Weekend Update! Why is it almost 100 degrees in October + Weekend of Champions!

Happy Monday friends!
It's hot
It's hot
It's HOT!!

It was 97 degrees in Santa Monica on Saturday in October, people. Crazy.
I had a 7 mile run on tap and no I didn't get up at 4:30 am to run!! :)
I really should have, as by mid morning it was scorching, but I had to get 'er done.
This was probably the only run I can remember that I really wanted to have a hand held bottle and I ended up stopping at a water fountain for a long drink. I had to make my way down to the water - very fun, but it was still hot...

After my 7 mile (yay!!) run, I was feeling very depleted of energy. Protein - get in my belly!

Toast with almond butter and an egg. It doesn't look pretty, but it was AWESOME.

Saturday afternoon I went for a 90 minute massage and realized this needs to happen more often. #hurtsogood

Sunday I woke up super early to catch the live feed of the Chicago Marathon!!!
Congrats to all the runners!!
I was on the edge of my seat watching Deena Kastor come in with her record breaking Masters time - 2:27:47!!!

I want give a huge congrats to Tina for WINNING the Army 10 miler yesterday! 
Way to go Tina!!

So many exciting races this weekend - so many inspiring women doing really awesome things. 

I rested from running on Sunday, but made sure to do my PT exercises, dynamic stretching and core work. My body felt so good today on a 5 mile run - I am slowly starting to feel like myself again! (did I mention how hot it is?)

I forgot to mention Friday I went for an easy 5 mile run! :)

Okay - off to pack more boxes. I hope you guys have an awesome Monday!!!

Who watched the Chicago Marathon?

Who RAN the Chicago Marathon?!

Tell me something fun about your weekend!

Happiness Is Running Life!


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