Running Slower Even When You Want To Run Fast + Doc Let Me Go!

I have great news friends!
My doc let me go today!!

My doc rocks!!

I went to see my Doctor today for one last follow up. It's been 6 months since my knee surgery (I can't believe it!) and I've come to the end of the road.
He says I am completely healed and just need to continue to strengthen my quad muscle. I've been working on it, but will work harder. This means more gym time and hitting the weights pretty hard.
I can tell when I am running that the muscle is still a bit weak. 6 more months until Boston and I want to have a rock solid quad muscle to help me up those Newton Hills!! :)
Anyway, I am truly so thankful to my Doctor for all that he has done to help me get back to running. Not only is he a great Doctor, he's really nice too!

After I left the Doctor's office, I was off on a 7 mile run. Today I felt stronger than ever. It's been 2 months since I started running again and I felt like my stamina is finally coming back. 
Today was a day that I wanted to start running faster, but I held myself back. I have to have patience - coach wants me to take it at a nice and easy pace for now.

I love this so much.

After the run, I went to pick up Elle from preschool. They had a lot of fun today and she fell asleep in the car (totally unusual!). I couldn't resist taking a pic (those cheeks....!).

Yesterday was a beautiful 5 mile run. I had a blast exploring. Here are some pics from the run...

The clouds, perfect blue sky and palm trees = heaven

The color of this tree = stunning!

Check out THIS article on the 10 laws of injury prevention. I am hyper sensitive about doing all the right things for my body so I can reduce my risk of injury.

I hope you guys have an awesome Wednesday!!

How many miles did you run today?

Is it cold where you are? (we are still very warm here!)

What is the #1 thing that you do to prevent injury?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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