Weekend Update - 4th of July Edition!

I hope you are having a great Tuesday! Let's get caught up from the weekend, shall we?

I had so much fun making these flag cookies for 4th of July!

On 4th of July, we always start the day with a local race! Last year, I ran the 5k. This year, Megan had so much fun running the kid's race (in her new pink running shoes)!

That's my girl!! 

The kiddos had so much fun hanging out with their best buds after the race!

We always love going to the big 4th of July parade...

Getting a ride from Daddy is the best way to see the action!

Good food always makes 4th of July really fun...

And a fun fruity drink in a very tall glass!

My sweet friend Julie is the best hostess!! You know that wonderful friend that you meet because of running and they turn out to be a true gem? Yep, that would define her to the T.

We were able to get a family photo!

The night ended with some pretty awesome fireworks and I have to say it was a perfect day!!

And I have a mini running update!

I went to PT Monday morning and had my best session yet! 10 minutes warm up on the bike followed by a good amount of stretching and massage.
Then, I was able to do some leg presses! My therapist had me hold in one position for 10 seconds and another for 20 seconds for 1 set. I completed 3 sets, which felt SO good. We worked on walking - I was walking a bit stiff, because I was worried about putting more than 50% weight on my leg. I practiced walked "normal" heel to toe and slight bend in the knee. It felt very comfortable and I feel ready to walk!
Wednesday, I have my doctor's appointment and unless something is wrong, I will get to get rid of the crutches!!
Still working hard on my exercises, so I can start jumping and slowly running in a few weeks. I will know more after I meet with the doc - can't wait!!
After 12 long weeks, I am getting there :)

What is your workout for the day? 

Anyone going to the track today?

Have you ever had surgery because of a running injury?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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