It Takes A Year To Heal + Sub 7 Splits!!

When I had knee surgery 9 months ago (April 16, 2015 to be exact), my doctor and physical therapist said it would take one year to fully heal.
One year to feel completely normal again, to get my quad muscle strong again (my right quad looked like a deflated balloon after surgery.), to not feel strange little twinges in my knee (not pain, just twinges and that is to be expected).
So how am I feeling?

I feel good. I work on getting stronger every day and I am staying diligent about doing all the exercises and strength work that I need to do. I still have a ways to go, but I am taking the slow and patient route.
Yes, I think about injury. It's definitely more on my mind these days that it ever has been in my life. I think it's normal when you go through a major injury and especially when you have surgery.  BUT ---> the bright side is I feel like everyday I get more confident and I am really (really!) enjoying my running.

Yes, that is a stain on my shirt! I tried a bottle of tart cherry juice concentrate this week and spilled it on my shirt! :)

It's been a good training week so far. I have a 16 miler tomorrow (Saturday) and I took today off from running which was AWESOME. My body needed the break after 7 straight days of running and I enjoyed every minute.

We went on a date to see the Revenant tonight. We went to one of those super cool movie theaters that have the soft leather reclining seats (I loved having my feet up and resting!) and full restaurant service!! We ordered dinner and watched the movie. Have you seen it yet? Definitely a must see! I think Leonardo will win the Academy for best actor for sure. Very gory and tons of action so be prepared.

I had a breakthrough workout this week and I am really happy about it! Wednesday I ran 5 x 1 mile repeats and I ran all of them under 7 minute pace. Considering where I am coming from - this is huge for me and I was so happy to get to this point. I can't wait to get stronger and faster!

The socks I am wearing are Pro Compression's sock of the month for January!! I love the colors! Don't they remind you (in the best way!) of winter? If you'd like a pair, use the code "PRO16" to get 40% off!!

My friend Tina sent me this series of articles on the Boston marathon and preparing for the race. I have been devouring every word!!

I just ordered a pair of the new Brooks Launch 3 shoes and I can't wait to take them out for a whirl!

Megan, my 5 1/2 year old starts ballet class tomorrow and I can't even tell you how excited I am to see her in a pink outfit dancing around! I took ballet for many years as a little girl and it feels so surreal to have MY daughter now going off to ballet class. Time really does fly...

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

What are your weekend plans?

Last movie you've seen in the theater?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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