Happy Valentine's Day + Marathon Recovery Week

I honestly feel like we were just singing Christmas carols and now here we are on Valentine's Day. By the way, I caught Elle singing Joy To The World this morning - she can't seem to get Christmas out of her head...

When I snapped this picture about two hours ago, it inspired me to write a post today. The kids were able to ditch their uniforms and have free dress for Valentine's Day - I just love how they look in this photo. Megan coordinated her own outfit and I love it - I need to copy her and get one just like it. How is it possible to love three people this much? Elle is such a big kid now and I'm having a bit of a hard time with it, I'm sure because she is our last baby. I feel like kindergarten is flying by and I need more time... Nothing else matters right now except enjoying these three.
Elle's kindergarten class had their school musical this morning.

The kids were crayons and the theme was: "What would you do with a world without color?" It was so, so good and the kids rocked all of their lines and music. I was sitting there holding back tears and putting the memory in my heart. I feel like as we get busier and take on more in our life, it's so important to stop and put the important moments deep in our memory bank.
Later the kids had their class parties - Josh was kind of bummed because now that he is in sixth grade, they don't have Valentine's to exhange or class parties. Megan had her third grade party, and Elle had a blast at her party...

She made this beautiful heart card for me and it is one of the best cards I have ever received.

Yesterday, I got the February Stride Box in the mail and as usual it was full of great stuff for runners. Have you guys tried Stride Box yet? I love it, because you get fun mail every single month. Also, they just celebrated their sixth birthday (Elle was very excited that they have almost the same birthday!) - Happy Birthday Stride Box, we love your magical little box!

It is definitely weird not to be running and I feel like a piece of myself is missing. I know taking this recovery time is so important and I am taking it seriously. Technically, today I could have gone for a 3-4 mile easy run (per my coach) or use it as another recovery day. I went back and forth a little bit and decided to take it off as I am still feeling sleepy and tired. I can't believe it's been five days since the marathon!

Here are the five things I am doing to aid in my recovery:

1. Sleep. 
Although I am sleeping, my body wants more, more, more so trying to put myself to bed earlier each night.

2. Hydrate.
I am craving all the water, all the time.

3. Stretch and roll.
Saturday (race day) I didn't stretch. Sunday, very little stretching since we were traveling. By Monday, my body was demanding it, so I've been gently stretching every evening and using my R8 roller to roll my muscles. Also, lots of time with legs up the wall - I can feel the fluid draining from my legs.
We have had the craziest week, which is kind of challenging post marathon, but I haven't taken an epsom salt bath yet! Every night, I fall into bed, but now that I am writing this, I will take one tonight - it makes such a difference.

4. Massage.
It's time for a massage and I will schedule for this week/end.

5. Being Kind To Myself.
Really taking time to thank my body for the work that it did on Saturday. I know for me to move forward, I have to acknowledge this victory and everything I put into the race. In order to get stronger physically and mentally, you have to pause and be grateful for the performance.

6. Relax From a Running Schedule.
I realize that running 75-80 miles a week and juggling everything else, I put my body and mind under stress without even knowing it. It's good to step back from the schedule for a bit - although I have to say I'm already excited for the future! For me, running isn't work, it's fun.

Jerold is the kindest husband ever and gave me a full body massage on Friday before I went to sleep. It loosened my muscles so much and made me feel ready to run hard on Saturday. He really is the best... Sometimes it is mind boggling to me that we have been together for so long and we keep putting together crazy adventures and doing this life together - I feel so grateful for him...

I couldn't do it without you.

Okay, I have to help with teeth brushing, stories and bedtime my friends. I hope you all had a very happy day filled with love (and a fun run!). Love from friends, family - love yourself and give love today and every day. That's what it's all about.

Do Awesome Things.


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