Valentine's Weekend Recap!

Weekend update...Here we go!


Actually, Josh's school party was on Thursday and he made this fun bag for all of the Valentines he got from his friends...

Megan had her party on Friday and I loved helping her make these pretty hearts for her friends...

A nice chunk of core work, a little yoga and biking today. I am still doing the Prana 12 day yoga challenge and it has been fun. After taking yoga classes this past fall, I really love it and I need a lot of work on my flexibility. When I start running again, I want to be as strong and flexible as I possibly be. It is not just about running - it is also about all the steps in between (core, dynamic stretching, weights, cross training) that help prevent injury and make you a faster, better runner.

Here is the stretch that I did on Friday (Vashistasana Variation)... 

I got my Run Far, Run Strong shirt in the mail from Sarah at Runfargirl! I love it and I have been wearing it so much this weekend! I am a big t-shirt person - that is pretty much what I wear during the week and this shirt is awesome. Super soft, comfy and a great fit. I also love that it supports a great cause. You should definitely check it out!!


Valentine's Day! It was so cool to have it fall on a Saturday. I made chocolate chip heart shaped pancakes with a cranberry/Pellegrino mocktail that the kiddos loved for breakfast...

We had a fun day hanging out as a family! I attempted another yoga pose...

This pose is called the monkey twist and it was a little tricky for me! I did a workout and a huge warm up before I tried this. Once I eased into it, it was a really good stretch for my quad.

Josh made me the most beautiful card...

And Jerold really was so, so sweet - he made the most romantic dinner for the two of us. He put up a tent in the backyard with twinkle lights and classical music (my favorite!). It was such a memorable evening! I love my Valentine :)

We normally do not make a big deal about Valentine's Day so this was such a surprise and I loved doing it all at home. I wore a dress and flip flops!! :)


More family time and we went back to the beach today. My planned workout was to mix it up and go paddleboarding. I tried it for the first time last summer and was immediately into it. It is so fun!
But, the waves were a little too rough today for me to attempt to get past the break...

Sunday was a rest day workout wise for me, but I did get in a yoga pose - downward facing dog (my favorite!!)

I hope you all had a great weekend!!

How many miles did you run this weekend?

Favorite wine? (White or red and type?)
I love both red and white. I love a good Cabernet or a yummy Malbec. Chardonnay is always a fav, but I love Pinot Grigio and a good Sauvignon Blanc too!

Happiness Is Running Life!


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