Roka (Rio) Sunglasses Review

I've been psyched to write this review - it's fun talking about products that get me fired up AND I get to share it all with you guys. The fact is, sunglasses that I can run and work out in are like GOLD to me. Living in a year round sunny climate, I pretty much sleep in sunglasses. Most importantly, for the overall health of my eyes, its so important to have the right pair.

When I started on the hunt for a new pair of shades, I knew they had have the following criteria:

1. Stylish. 
I mean, right? They have to protect your eyes like nobody's business, but if they look bad on your face, then that's a deal breaker. Also, they have to be timeless - like you want to look back in 10 years and still think they look good.

2. Functionality
I needed a pair of sunglasses that were going to stay put during a twenty mile run or one mile repeats and everything in between. Who has time to constantly fiddle with glasses when you are focused on running? I wanted to put them on and forget about them - like they weren't even there....

3. Lightweight
...which brings me to the next point - lightweight. I wanted something that would feel light as air on my face.

4. Polarized lenses
Polarized lenses are important to me - they have better protection for your eyes...

Check out this article from VSP:

5. Versatile
I was looking for sunglasses that I could easily wear on a run or go out for dinner. Wear them with jeans, a dress or active wear. I didn't want to have to worry about having five different pair of glasses.

The Roka Rio fit all of my needs and so much more. These glasses are in three words: total. bad. ass. Roka has an awesome selection of sunglasses that are crafted and made for athletes, and yet anyone can wear them and look great. The company understands that athletes work hard at their sport and they want to look good too. The Rio is a classic aviator style, and from the moment you slide them on your face, you're in heaven.

Not only do they feel smooth as silk and light as a feather (the glasses weigh only 18 grams) all at the same time, they are handcrafted in Japan and made with titanium. They of course have polarized lenses and sturdy nose grips which don't allow the glasses to move AT ALL on your face. I've worn these beauties on over twenty mile runs, tempo workouts, hill repeats, trail runs and more during marathon training and they fit like a dream.

Excellent quality - these glasses were made for working hard and looking beautiful at the same time.

I also love the luxurious case that they provide for your glasses. After years of putting my sunglasses any and everywhere, this case is so pretty that I can't wait to put them away after every use.

Roka provides sunglasses to some of the best athletes in the world, and they only launched in 2013 - amazing things this company has done in a short amount of time.

Let's talk about cost for a moment. The Rio retails for $300, which I know isn't cheap - but I'm telling you, it's worth it. There are things you can skimp on, but protecting your eyes isn't one of them. After two months of testing these glasses, I feel the price is justified (note the black pair are a bit more expensive. This style also come in other colors which retail for $260).

Cheers to running and protecting our eyes!

*I was sent a pair of the Rio for review, but all opinions are my own.

Do you run in sunglasses?

What is most important to you in a pair of sunglasses?

Do Awesome Things.


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