Settling Into Running, School Days + Freekeh Foods GIVEWAY!!

After an amazing, fun filled summer, at last my kids have gone back to school.
For 8 1/2 years I have had a baby or a toddler on my hip, so it is really crazy to think that my babies are all in school.

They are growing up!!

Elle is growing so quickly! I feel like it was literally yesterday that I was pregnant with her and now she is off to preschool. The last two days have been so joyful for her - she loves playing at preschool! She has only been away from me for two hours each day, so it has been an easy transition for both of us. 
I didn't know what to do with myself today. Zero kiddos with me meant I could go for a mid-morning run, which is a total luxury. I enjoyed every moment...

Stretching with the palm trees #lifeisgood

I gave an mini update on my Instagram, but I am now able to run completely on trails and soft surfaces!! My therapist says I can keep slowly increasing mileage, incorporate small hills and play with pace. He warned me I would be tired and if I need a rest day take it. Active rest is generally the way he wants me to go i.e. slow jog, go for a walk, swim or bike. 
I am now feeling some real running freedom and it's pretty awesome :)

Breakfast. Let's talk breakfast for a moment. My family is back to our early morning routine and breakfast needs to be quick, tasty and hardy. When Freekah Foods sent me some of their delicious roasted green wheat (a great alternative to rice or quinoa!) and asked me to make a recipe, I immediately thought of making something tasty for breakfast...

Although I went big this morning and made homemade pancakes (loud cheers from my kiddos!!), we normally have hot oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. Why not try a hot cereal made with Freekah?
Let me tell you, it was a total hit. My son Josh has become a bit of a picky eater, and he loved the Freekah hot cereal. Look at all that goodness...

What is Freekeh?

Freekeh is a process which means "to rub" in Arabic. Freekeh was created by accident nearly 2,000 years ago when a Middle Eastern village was attacked and their crop of young green wheat was set ablaze. Most folks would sulk over their misfortune, but the crafty villagers rubbed off the chaff, cooked it up and "Eureka!" Freekeh was created. (source)

This recipe is super easy and you could even make it the night before and heat it up in the morning for a quick, nutritious breakfast! I also love that Freekeh is a good source of protein and fiber, completely organic and non GMO. 

Warm Breakfast Freekeh

1 8 ounce package cracked Freekeh (approx. 1 cup) original variety
2 1/2 cups water or milk (I used milk)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter

Pour the Freekeh and liquid into a saucepan and bring to a boil for 1 minute. Add vanilla extract, cinnamon, and butter. Reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer for about 25 minutes.
Serve with fresh fruit, nuts or even yogurt!

I have great news for you! Freekah would love for you to give their product a try, so they are sending one lucky reader a package of Freekeh!! (US Residents only)
There are 3 awesome flavors to choose from: Original, Rosemary Sage or Tamari

Go #getyourfreekehon! Good Luck!

Have you ever tried Freekeh?

What do you normally have for breakfast every day?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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