The homemade scones that turned into something else + sometimes your body needs a mini break...

Wednesday! Half of the week has already gone by...

Another busy day...

Took SBG to our Mommy and Me Class

So fun for us to have our special time together and SBG LOVES all the fun toys!

Later it was off to tennis...

Whoa! I discovered that Meg is fierce on the court! She really loves it.

Wednesdays are occasionally funny for me workout wise... During a training cycle, I find that after a long run on Sunday and track work or hills on Tuesday, by Wednesday I am tired. Most days I pushed through my recovery run and would take Friday off. Some days I had to rest on Wednesday and run on Friday.
Now that I am only cross training during my injury, I make sure I am working out 6 days a week and let the one day of rest come as I feel.

Today I was tired.

So, I did my core exercises, talked to a friend during Mommy and Me about trying some new fitness classes (there is an Orange Theory nearby that we talked about trying together!) and enjoyed a day off.

I also made a great new recipe (my first original!) that I want to share with you...

So my Mom makes the most amazing scones. SO GOOD.
They are melt in your mouth good and the recipe is all her own. She has perfected it over the years and each time they taste even better than before.
So - I asked her if I could share her scones on the blog - I thought it might be a nice way to enjoy your coffee or tea in the morning or as a snack after a long run (you know with some berries or something...)
Anyway, she said yes, and that is where it started falling apart. Sort of. Totally on my end.

I called her up to ask for the ingredients. As she is patiently reciting the ingredients - which include white flour and white sugar - I wonder if perhaps I could change a few things?
You know, make it more of a healthy snack?

I (reluctantly - she was initially not thrilled about me mangling her recipe) got her blessing and here it is! 
I am totally laughing right now - these are NOT scones. They are really good, but they are more biscuits than anything. For the first time in my life, I came up with a brand new recipe. Who woulda thought?!

Cranberry Pecan Biscuits 

(I know, I know I have been on a cranberry kick lately. Yes, I realize that the holidays are over, but cranberries taste SO good!

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees


- 2 cups soy flour
-1/4 cup whole wheat flour
-3 teaspoons baking powder
-A pinch of salt
-3 tablespoons honey
-1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
-1 orange (you will only need the zest)
-1/2 cup chopped pecans
-1/2 cup orange juice
-1/4 cup milk

NOTE: I decided to substitute soy flour + a bit of whole wheat flour for white flour and honey for white sugar - this is how the whole recipe changed!
Couldn't find fresh cranberries anymore, so used frozen and they were good! Forgot to add milk and orange juice to the pic :)

Step one:
In a large bowl combine soy flour, baking powder and salt.

Step two:
Add 3 tablespoons of honey

Step three:
Using a cutter, add in the butter (you want the butter to be cut into pieces). If you don't have a cutter, then you can use a knife to cut butter into pieces.

Step four:
Peel and zest an orange. Then cut the zest into smaller pieces

Step five:
Chop up a 1/2 cup of pecans. Then mix the orange zest, pecans and cranberries and add into the flour mixture.

Step six:
Make a small hole in the middle of the flour/cranberry/pecan mixture - then add the 1/2 cup of orange juice. Lightly stir and then add 1/4 cup of whole milk and the 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour.
Make sure not to over stir, you don't want the biscuits to turn out tough :)

Step seven:
On an ungreased cookie sheet, use a tablespoon to scoop rounded balls onto the sheet and bake for about 10-12 minutes.

They are finally done! Looks good and tastes... delish! 

So, here they are - cranberry pecan biscuits. A healthy snack any time of day! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. :)
A special thanks to my Mom for letting me mangle recreate her recipe.

Cranberry Pecan Biscuits 

Prep time: 15 minutes               Cook time: 10-12 minutes          Total time: 30 minutes

This healthy biscuit made with soy and whole wheat flour + honey is perfect for breakfast, a snack or anytime during the day!

Recipe by: Natrunsfar
Serves: 6-8


Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees

-2 cups soy flour
-1/4 cup whole wheat flour
-3 teaspoons baking powder
-A pinch of salt
-3 tablespoons honey
-1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
-1 orange (you will only need the zest)
-1/2 cup chopped pecans
-1/2 cup orange juice
-1/4 cup milk


In a large bowl combine soy flour, baking powder and salt.
Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the flour mixture
Using a cutter, add in the butter (you want the butter to be cut into pieces). If you don't have a cutter, then you can use a knife to cut butter into pieces.
Peel and zest an orange. Then cut the zest into smaller pieces
Chop up a 1/2 cup of pecans. Then mix the orange zest, pecans and cranberries and add into the flour mixture.
Make a small hole in the middle of the flour/cranberry/pecan mixture - then add the 1/2 cup of orange juice. Lightly stir and then add 1/4 cup of whole milk and the 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour.
Make sure not to over stir, you don't want the biscuits to turn out tough :)
On an ungreased cookie sheet, use a tablespoon to scoop rounded balls onto the sheet and bake for about 10-12 minutes.
Serve warm

A quick update on my injury:
First, I can't believe I haven't run in 7 weeks. 
Second, I am having these crazy dreams about running and more running.
Third, I miss it so much, but am trying to keep my mind busy, busy with focus on cross training and maintaining my fitness. My time will come to run again, hopefully sooner rather than later :)
Fourth, I have had some serious thoughts about surgery on my knee. Am I moving too quickly in my decision? What if it can heal on its own?
Fifth, I have decided to get a second opinion, just to be sure. I trust my doctor, but I think when it comes to something as serious as this, I need to cover all my bases.

I'll keep you up to date on what happens. What am I hoping for? I am hoping that perhaps I won't need the surgery and can just take another 3 weeks off and the bone will heal on its own.
These are the options I will explore.

In the end, if I have to have the surgery in order to run again, absolutely I will do it.

Something really cool that happened today:
An old friend from my high school in Ohio - we ran cross country together - contacted me through my blog!
It was so wonderful to hear from her and she is totally still running! 11 marathons and counting and we have so much to catch up on. Love that we'll be able to talk about running, family and life.
This was such a highlight of my day! Running friends really are the best.

Have a great day and happy running!

What day of the week is your typical rest day?

Are you a morning or afternoon/evening runner?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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