Electrolyte cocktail anyone? Nat's Runbit # 13

Electrolyte cocktail anyone?

When I was training for the Ventura Marathon this past September, I completed three 20 mile runs.

One of the 20 milers I ran was on the actual marathon course  - it was an official training run -  and was so worth the time, drive and effort to do it. I was able to feel really comfortable with the course and knew exactly what to expect on race day.
I highly recommend doing this if the marathon is any where near your home (Ventura is approximately 62 miles from my house).

The marathon was kind enough to give out Fluid Performance Drink during the long run.

I had never tried Fluid Performance Drink before and I have to say - it is GREAT.

The volunteer team passed it out at about miles 6, 10 and 15 and I truly felt my body come alive once I drank it. Especially at mile 15!

There are tons of great performance drinks on the market and I am looking forward to trying out a few to compare. It is definitely important to have good nutrition when you are out on long training runs.

Click on image

I'd love to know - what performance drink do you use during long runs?

Happiness Is Running Life!


PS: If you are looking for a late summer marathon on the west coast to get a BQ, I think the Ventura Marathon is awesome! Flat, fast course by the Pacific Ocean and you can catch your BQ right before the Boston deadline.
Afterwards, you can jump in the ocean to sooth your tired legs... sounds pretty sweet, huh?

NOTE: This is my own opinion. I have not been compensated in any way for this post.

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